Friday, March 22, 2013

Day 3- Jamie Eason Live Fit Trainer

Happy Friday all!!!

I have decided to make Fridays my weekly weigh in day. Since I'm not doing cardio right now and only lifting I don't really expect to much of a weight loss but want to document my weight non the less :) So I'm gonna take it with a grain of salt and really go on what I see in the mirror and how my clothes fit. Today's weight 135.0 that is 1 lb less than the last time I weighed. I'll take it ;)

Today was Day 3 of the Jamie Eason Live Fit Trainer which was LEGS AND CALVES which is my weak spot.  Can't wait to gain more strength in my lower body. Here are the exercises I did today and I also added some walking lunges. Funny I am on Day 3 and my chest and triceps are still sore from Day 1 lol. My biceps and back are only slightly sore from yesterday though..... Pretty soon every muscle in my body will be sore ha!

Even though this was just lifting and body weight I still got in a great calorie burn!

For lunch I had a serious craving for shrimp lol, don't know I made some in my new hot pink fry pan, isn't it cute?!

Lunch was pretty good...

But my snack was the absolute favorite, I made these banana and PB bites, I'll share the recipe here with you all SOON!

I also wanted to share this with you all, it's amazing the healthy benefits to just losing weight!!
Quote of the day: ""You are whoever you want to be, you just have to decide to be it!"

Goodnight my Lovelies :)
<3 Jen @ 
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