HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING ALL!! Not only is it the first day of Spring but also DAY 1 of Jamie Eason's LIVE FIT
TRAINER for me! I wanted to document each day of my journey through Jamie Easons Live Fit Trainer. I am sure this is going to be super tough but I CAN DO IT!!!! I am bit out of shape and do have about 25 lbs of body fat to lose. I am currently at 136 lbs at 5'2" tall (or shall I say short) and have 25% body fat. My end goal after the trainer is to be under 20% body fat with very end goal to maintain between 15 and 18% BF.
Today is Day 1.
I woke up feeling like utter CRAP. I have had a horrible cold bug for the last several days, but that didn't stop me. As bad as I wanted to turn the alam off, I didn't, and climbed my butt out of bed! So day 1 of a new lifestyle for me!! I pledge to:
1) Do the best I can do!!
2) Take my supplements each day
3) Eat as clean as possible, this will be the hard part as its still pretty new to me!
4) TRAIN HARD!!!! Lifting heavy is also new to me but I am excited about it!!!!
So as some of you may know there is NO CARDIO during the first 4 weeks of Jamie's program! Whaaaa? Yep. I have always been a cardio freak but am trying to change that. This will be a challenge doing no cardio for 4 week but I WILL follow Jamie's program and "TRUST IN THE PROGRAM" as she says! This is such a science. More so than I ever knew. Timing when you eat and when you take your supplements is so important. So today went a bit like this!
I woke early, threw myself together/got on my workout clothes, then made myself a healthy breakfast. Took my breakfast supplements. Then waited about an hour till I hit the gym. Today is chest and triceps.Have a feeling I will be sore tomorrow, can't wait lol! I have read before that some are sore for the entire 12 weeks, we will see. To me that makes me feel good and that I DID WORK THOSE MUSCLES.
-Ok so I just finished DAY 1! Felt good ;) I started out strong but by the time I got to the narrow pushups my arms were quaking!! I'm not used to those as I always do wide. And of course I was down on my knees. I can't wait tl the day when I can do pushups not on my knees! By the last workout (tricep pushdowns) m arms were shaaaaking!!
After my workout I popped a BCAA and had my chocolate protein powder in some almond milk, not bad. Oh and 1/2 a banana too! Overall today went pretty good! I stuck to my clean eating ALL DAY!! That is huge for me! BUT I have to admit this eating clean stuff is hard when you are not used to it. I ate every 2.5hrs today and felt like I was eating ALL THE TIME! I'm sure it will become second nature over time. Can't wait for Day 2 tomorrow.
Good-nite all! Sweet dreams
<3 Jen @
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Day 1 Starting Stats:
136 lbs
Waist: 31" (around belly button) 29" (natural waist line, between sternum and belly button)
BF % 25%
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